The HHG Group presents the new service "HomeCare - Home Health Services" which offers personalized medical and nursing services to anyone who wants or needs home care in their familiar environment.
With the specialized staff of the Hellenic Healthcare Group and having at its disposal the most modern equipment, "HomeCare" aims at providing continuous medical care, improving the quality of life and facilitating the needs of people in need of assistance and their loved ones, at a time when conditions require it more than ever.
In the case of home care, it is provided after consultation with the doctor or the treatment team of the person's choice. The administrative and nursing staff of "HomeCare" is in direct and continuous communication with the attending physician and cooperates with all hospitals in order to provide optimal care.
Today, the HHG Group's "HomeCare - Home Health Services" has become an essential and important link in the integrated provision of health services.
Who "HomeCare - Home Health Services" is aimed at
What services are provided
"HomeCare" has a 1051 call center (option 1) for direct service for those interested in home health services.
About HHG Group
The Hellenic Healthcare Group (HHG) is the largest private healthcare group in Greece. It was founded in 2018 with the vision to play a leading role in the modernization of health services in Greece according to the highest standards and the emergence of our country as an international leader in medical and nursing care. The Group has 8 leading hospitals: Hygeia, Metropolitan Hospital, Mitera, Metropolitan General, Leto, CretaInterClinic in Crete and Apollonion and Aretaeio in Cyprus. It also has the Assisted Reproduction Unit, HYGEIA IVF Embryogenesis, the Centre for Molecular Biology and Genomics A-Lab, the Clinical City Hospital in Kalamata, the diagnostic centers Platon Diagnosis in Thessaloniki and Athens, the company marketing medical devices Y-Logimed, the company Business Care with occupational health and safety services in companies and organizations, and the modern Training Center Heal Academy for education, training and research in medicine, nursing and all health sciences.
The Hellenic Healthcare Group (HHG) was awarded, for the second consecutive year, the Silver Award by EcoVadis, the world's leading corporate sustainability assessment organization, for its socially responsible practices on responsible business, sustainability and sustainable development issues.
The HHG Group, which serves as an example for Greek business, always stands by people, providing leading, innovative medical services, advanced methods of diagnosis and treatment, while at the same time designing and implementing initiatives that contribute in a catalytic way to the sustainable development of the country. In fact, this award proves that HHG Group's corporate social responsibility activities go beyond the Greek borders, placing it among the top 10% of the world's leading companies in healthcare services.
The EcoVadis rating system (CSR Rating) refers to the evaluation of the quality of a company's Corporate Social Responsibility management systems, through its policies, practices and results. The assessment uses 21 criteria, which are based on international standards such as the Global Compact Principles , the conditions of the International Labor Organization, the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards) and the standard ISO 26000 among others. In particular, these criteria are grouped into four thematic areas: environment, labor practices and human rights, good business practices and sustainable procurement.
For Hellenic Healthcare Group, sustainable development is not just another goal, but is a fundamental part of the Group's philosophy and DNA, believing that the true evolution of a company or an organization can only be achieved when it aims at the development and evolution of the society in which it operates. In this direction, HHG Group stands by those who trust it and continues to build an inclusive future, while caring for society and the environment.
EcoVadis is the leading European organization for assessing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), for business practices and a company's commitment to sustainable development. EcoVadis covers 198 categories of suppliers in 155 countries and has more than 150 experienced CSR analysts. Since 2007 more than 55,000 companies and 300 Industry Leaders have joined the EcoVadis assessment platform.
Την Τετάρτη, 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023, εγκαινιάσαμε το ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2023-2024 με μια διακεκριμένη τελετή έναρξης που πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Αμφιθέατρο του θεραπευτηρίου Μητέρα.
Ο Όμιλος Hellenic Healthcare Group (HHG), απέσπασε δύο βραβεία στα ΔΕΗ BITE Awards 2023, στον πιο σημαντικό θεσμό επιβράβευσης της τεχνολογικής καινοτομίας στην Ελλάδα, που διεξήχθη για 12η χρονιά από την Boussias Events υπό την αιγίδα του Υπουργείου Ψηφιακής Διακυβέρνησης και του ΣΕΠΕ.
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